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Historically, many people with disabilities have been living in large segregated institutions which provided their day to day activities and services delivered from a framework with the expectation that these people were a burden and unable to contribute to the society. Over the years however, disabled people have been empowered and active in advocating for their equal rights like any other citizens. There has also been a change of attitude by government of the day and this has led to different legislation  and Acts that a person with a disability has the right to be respected for their human worth and dignity and has the same human rights as other community members, regardless of the degree and nature of their disability. At Swell Service Pty Ltd  we are excited to be part of this change and reforms as it has now become a reality that people with disabilities could be supported to live in the community rather than in government run institutions. We strive to improve participant’s services with our main goal of meeting their expectations and needs. We will also focus on building employee competencies and ultimately becoming the service provider and employer of choice.

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